Monday, May 21, 2018

Garden Process: 2 weeks

I don't have any photos this time either I'm sorry aaaaaaa-

The morning glories have sprouted! They're about one or two inches tall, I believe? We've been really lucky this week since it's been raining a lot :o but I'll still remember to go out and plant the flower bed as new flowers move in. I've also gotten some new trinkets to put in them, too!

The lettuce and herbs are still healthy, but they haven't been growing as fast, unfortunately. It might be because we layered two sheets on top of each other (the actual sheets were too big to fit in our pots). But the corn has amazed each and every day since I planted them, especially the ones I recently planted in new bags this week. The older plants are almost a foot long, I think!! I'm confident in how much it should yield.

I need to look up how to make room in the pit for the watermelon plants soon. I'm not sure how much longer they're going to live inside the plastic mini pots from the store.

I planted the sunflower seeds over by an old (not functional) satellite dish right at the edge of the woods, where the sun hits it brightly for most of the day and the soil is reasonably rich and loose, on Friday or Saturday. I did the same trick to get them started as I did the corn seeds, and they seemed to sprout just as fast as the corn did. Also, sunflowers don't do well transplanted, so I needed to plant them directly into the ground. Now, I just need to wait for the seeds to get over the ground. Again, I've been thankful for the rain. I have to go out by the woods less :p

I'm not confident in the plants in my peat pots anymore. We've left them in the heat, kept them watered, and waited, but nothing's showed up, unfortunately. I may just need to be patient, but it's been at least almost a week.

But other than the peat pots, everything's coming to fruition! I can't wait to see how everything turns out!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Garden progress: 1 week

I transferred the corn to the bags. Then I realized I needed to germinate more corn.

I have sowed the morning glories. There were so many more of the heavenly blue variety than pearly gates, presumably because they're hard to take care of, but I ended up sprinkling them at the back of the flower bed in the back. There's a weed-killing sheet that my father placed last year that we're leaving in; we're certain that plants can grow their roots through it.
Anyway, we'll need to keep the soil moist for the next few days, and I'm not planning on sowing any more seeds until the morning glories have sprouted.

We went ahead and bought a starter plant for watermelons because we've had so much trouble getting them started. It turns out the peat pots we initially sowed them in were too old to nourish them. We have a few more recent peat pots set aside for other plants. We're testing more watermelon seeds as well nearly-ten-year-old viola and marigold seeds.

I have all my sunflower seeds set aside in a cake pan under a damp paper towel to germinate for the next few days as well. They will grow in jiffy pots near where the corn will rest on one side of our backyard.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Gardening Progress: 5 Days

I decided I wanted to a. Grow my own vegetables over the summer and fall and b. Grow a bee-friendly garden.


  • Corn
  • Carrots
  • Watermelons
  • Herbs (rosemary, sage, fennel, thyme basil, etc.)
  • Lettuce
  • Cosmos
  • Marigolds
  • Morning glories
  • Alyssum
  • Violas
  • Black-eyed Susan

So far we have germinated and planted ten corn plants, 20 or so lettuce and herb plants each, and ten watermelon plants.

We found a way to grow our corns. We were going to to transfer them (they're growing in biodegradable jiffy cups) into shopping bags (four plants per bag) and water them once the bags are in a wading pool. That should yield a considerate amount of corn.

We're germinating the watermelons in peat pots and letting them grow for a while before we move them into a little pit in the ground where a tree stump used to be. They should be ready by the fourth of July then.

We haven't planted any flowers yet, but we have a trellis for the morning glories to curl onto. We were going to plant black-eyed susans, violas, cosmos, alyssum, and morning glories in a flower bed in the back, and the marigolds and more Cosmos can go in the front flowerbed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Where Did Everything GO?!?!?!

I'm changing the theme of this blog!
From now on this will be an arts-and-crafts blog. I just started a garden in my background, and I've taken an interest in some other things too. Since I hardly post on here anymore, I figured this would be a good excuse to revive the page!